Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Science and Religion

The brain is considered as the most wonderfully constructed organ in our body. Well-crafted I would say. Have you ever given a thought about how the human body would have come along the path of evolution? To state the fact it was chosen over a billion other combinations that failed to establish its own kind. We the human race, Human beings called as homo sapiens have established our foot s firmly. Our roots run deep. It’s also too complex and complicated.

Religion has always said that earth, humans began to exist because god said so. He created this universe. In the same sense, man now alters lives’, he can make new atoms by fusing existing atoms. Doesn’t man compete with GOD? Man has started to assume the role of god. 

So much for equating man to god. Man can never become god. I can strongly say this, because god is one who knows how particles can be created from raw energy. For the atheists, can anyone out there, say how the universe came into existence or to put in better words, how did energy come into existence? There was someone who did that. Something that our brains can never understand. It is because we fail to believe in our creation. God does exist but in the form of energy or vibrations. To feel him you need to mend your senses.

Human bodies are not just physical. They have what you would call a soul. The soul rests in the inner depths of the brain. The brain consists of two different parts namely, the conscious and the sub-conscious brain. The conscious brain is the logical mind. It tells you what you teach it to. The subconscious brain, housing the soul, holds the answers for all the questions. The scientific, religious, abstract questions. Everything has an answer within you. You just have to dwell inside and find them out. Imagination or visualization is the key to open the lock, your questions.

The sub-conscious brain is the most powerful computer on earth. Harness its power to obtain the maximum benefit. This article is a result of the experiments on myself, which I would be discussing in the near future.

Markiv Nura

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